The spread of the Coronavirus or COVID-19 — a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person— has caused the media to be flooded with news about it and how the world is dealing with the global pandemic. With the constant information about COVID-19, people tend to focus on the negative aspects and with the self isolation people begin to feel hopeless. Though the virus is changing daily life, the world has been experiencing positive change. Since the virus has caused people around the world to stay at home, the environment is steadily improving. According to, “In New York, scientists at Columbia University reported a 5-10 percent drop in CO2 emissions …as traffic levels fell 35 percent.”
In Venice, Italy, resident Serguei Michtchenk noticed, “…the canal is definitely clearer, you just have to look at the canal when water is very calm. There are no boats, there is no traffic. Definitely it is cleaner.”
By staying at home people are benefiting the world in many ways such as decreasing the risk of infection and decreasing the human pollution on the environment. The actions taken towards the coronavirus will positively affect the government in the future because, stated by Harvard Health Publishing, “The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed shortcomings in healthcare systems throughout the world that provide an opportunity to improve them.”
Although staying at home is affecting people’s social, economic and educational life, people are saving lives and the planet.