2021 Brings More Masks
February 3, 2021

For almost a year people around the world have been wearing cloth masks in public as a way to prevent spreading the COVID virus. At the beginning of the pandemic, researchers informed the population that wearing a mask is the safest way to protect against the coronavirus. Recently according to the Washington Post, researchers “discover[ed] highly transmissible coronavirus variants in the United States.”
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) stated that the cause of the coronavirus variants is that “viruses constantly change through mutation, and new variants of a virus are expected to occur over time.”
To protect against the covid variants the CDC encourages “Amercians to choose well-fitting masks with two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric.”
In recent weeks, health experts have recommended wearing two masks in public and overcrowded areas.
Linsey Marr, an expert in virus transmission at Virginia Tech University told the New York Times that “if you combine multiple layers, you start achieving high efficiencies” of blocking viruses from exiting and entering the airway.”
The Washington Post noted “the difference [of wearing two masks instead of one] is like getting two recommended doses of coronavirus vaccines instead of one —the additional mask offers more complete protection against the virus.”
Critics, however, are questioning the effectiveness of doubling masks compared to wearing one mask. Dr. Jeff Pothof, University of Wisconsin Health Chief Quality Officer told NBC, “ I don’t think [people] are going to gain a whole lot by double masking if [their] already using high quality masks.”
The coronavirus variants are a mystery to researchers, so continue staying safe and remember to bring an extra mask when going to a public setting.