American, Thai schools different, but goal of success the same
March 31, 2022
If you compare high school between Hawaii and Thailand it is very different. I have only been in Hawaii for a few months so I don’t know a lot about high school here but I see every teacher is so nice to me.
In Hawaii I learn seven subjects. It’s not like Thailand. Thai students have to study 13 subjects–that’s so many. In Hawaii, I have a little homework. But in Thailand, you have homework for five different subjects every day. Here we have tutorials twice a week but 90 percent of Thai students have tutorials every day after school. It is a little hard but normal for Thai students.
People in Thailand want their child to be a doctor. Children carry the family’s hope but not every child has that dream. They might have a different dream and a different way. Thai parents want students to study hard because they want them to have a lot of opportunities. In Hawaii, I think we students can find our own way and give it our all. The goal for every high school is for students to find their dream and follow their dream.