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Moanalua Welcomes New Teachers

Moanalua Welcomes New Teachers
Konelio Alofaituli
Konelio Alofaituli

Konelio Alofaituli is located in N1. Currently, he teaches Health as well as 11th and 12th grade English. At his previous school, he taught Social Studies and English. A fascinating fact about him is he is the 2023 American Samoa State Teacher of the Year! He has learned numerous things in his previous year of service and hopes to use some of that experience here at Moanalua High School.

Sheena Brewster
Sheena Brewster

Sheena Brewster is located in P6. She taught AP US History at her old school and now teaches it again here at Moanalua High School. An interesting fact about her is that she was born and raised in Hawai’i but has lived on the mainland for the past decade.

Eli Brizuela
Eli Brizuela

Eli Brizuela is one of our school’s new teachers and is now located in H103. He teaches Special Education Math and Science, as well as Algebra. Outside of school, he enjoys chess and ocean photography. He also is a motorcycle owner.

Andrew Ching
Andrew Ching

Andrew Ching, a Moanalua alumni, is one of the new staff at the high school. Mr. Ching teaches the Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, and Concert Band in the Music Department. After he graduated from MoHS, he went to UH Manoa and got his music education degree and played in the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, and Marching Band. He even participated in an elite marching band outside of college, which was the Santa Clara Vanguard Drum and Bugle Corps. He says that a fun fact about himself is that his first music teacher wasn’t Mr. Seta–it was our very own Ms. Barbosa who taught him for a semester as a freshman!

Maureen Clay
Maureen Clay

Maureen Clay is a Physics and MeneMac Science teacher, located in P-4. She used to teach online with the State Distance Learning Program before switching to her first in-person teaching job. Before becoming a teacher she had a degree in Math and Electrical Engineering. Later she decided to attend the University of Alaska for her teaching certificate and then became a teacher. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, going on hikes, and going to the beach. Before coming to O’ahu, she lived with her family in Alaska.

David Finley
David Finley

David Finley is located in the front office this year. While he’s not new to Moanalua High, it is his first year as one of our school’s vice principals. Last year, Mr. Finley taught Mathematics and coached volleyball. A graduate of Kamehameha Schools Hawai’i and UH Hilo, he himself has been an educator for a total of six years. Mr. Finley says that he first became a teacher because he loves to help students learn and improve.

Lakesha Frost
Lakesha Frost

Lakesha Frost is located in the library. She is a Math, Geometry, Modeling our World, and Math Workshop teacher. She went to college at Norfolk State University in Virginia. She taught for a total of 10 years in  Washington, Virginia, California, Florida and is now here in O’ahu. Her favorite things to do in her free time are cooking, working out, and playing the clarinet.


Anna Grazinsky
Anna Grazinsky

Anna Grazinsky is located in F-301. She teaches Ceramics and General Art and is also the freshman class advisor. This is her first year teaching. Last year she was getting teaching experience at an elementary school and finishing her own classes in college! A fun fact about her is that she owns six cats. She has a tattoo combining a certain element from each into one cat.


Dominique Hart
Dominique Hart

Dominique Hart is a new ELA teacher at our school and is located in H301. Though she is new to our school, she has taught English at the state distance learning program, Punahou School, and Kalani High School. In the future, she would be open to participating in our school’s drama program. She shares that back in high school, she played as a forward for Hawaiian Baptist Academy’s girls varsity basketball team. In her free time outside of being a teacher, Ms. Hart is a makeup and hair stylist.

Julia Hirano
Julia Hirano

Julia Hirano is a Physics teacher for Core 2. You can find her in M201. This is her first year working at Moanalua High, but she had previously taught at Waimea High School teaching 10th and 12th grade Biology and Anatomy. Ms. Hirano’s hobbies are going to the gym and hiking. Her favorite hike is Awa’awapuhi trail in Kaua’i.

Gen Pai

Gen Pai is one of our new Vice Principals. You can find her in the main office. Before becoming a VP at Moanalua Pai was a teacher, and for the last 5 years, she was a curriculum coordinator for elementary schools before becoming an intern VP. One of Mrs Pai’s hobbies is baking; she loves baking anything from scratch. Mrs. Pai also went to not one but three colleges: she went to the University of Colorado in Boulder, the University of Hawaii at Manoa, University of Phoenix, and is now back at the University of Hawaii at Manoa to further her education.

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Mariah Pate
Mariah Pate

Mariah Pate teaches Foundations of Business and Entrepreneurship classes. This is her 2nd year of teaching. She recently taught English at Lyman Hall in Georgia. At one point, she used to work in the sports industry. In her free time, Mrs. Pate likes to go to the beach, read, and coach cheerleading.

Mikhail Ponce
Mikhail Ponce

Mikhail Ponce is an ELA teacher who is new to Moanalua High, but is no stranger to teaching students. He does lectures at UH, and currently lectures a class for the School of Travel Industry Management called “A Management with Cultural Values”. This year will be his first year teaching high school students. Before becoming a teacher, he was an attorney. He is also a big fan of the Detroit Lions.

Chantelle Sakamoto

Chantelle Sakamoto is our new A-Fa Counselor located in the office by the other counselors. Before becoming a counselor at our school, she had taught at a couple schools before, where she most recently taught Hawaiian Language at Sacred Hearts Academy. One of her hobbies is doing yoga.

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Cynthia Swartwood
Cynthia Swartwood

Cynthia Swartwood is located in the office. She is one of our new student services coordinators (SCCs). In her previous year, she used to be an FAC teacher. A fun fact about her is that she’s a risk-taker! She finds it thrilling to be able to have new opportunities in life and know that it is okay to fail. When she had decided to move to Hawai’i, she had been teaching for 18 years, they sold everything, arriving at the island with only 6 suitcases! She says that “life is short and you have to try”.

Justin Troche
Justin Troche

Justin Troche teaches Geometry and Calculus. He has been teaching for 7 years in North Carolina at Millbrook. At Millbrook, he taught Math 1 and Math 2–or better known as Algebra 1 and 2. In his free time, he does crossfit and bowling. He’s also hoping to surf now that he lives here in Hawai’i.

Alyssa Wilson
Alyssa Wilson

Alyssa Wilson is located in P12B. She teaches World History and English. She has been teaching for a year and this is her first time teaching here at Moanalua High School. After she graduated from high school she went straight into community college. Before she came to Moanalua she was teaching in Maryland. What she likes to do in her free time is cuddle with her dog and try to read books.


Ty Yamamoto
Ty Yamamoto

Ty Yamamoto is located in I-101. He teaches FSC Special Education. This is his first year teaching at Moanalua, and his first year teaching in general! Last year he was wrapping up his classes at UH Manoa, and getting teaching experience just next door! A fun fact about him is that he likes to watch anime! (And no, he is not caught up on “One Piece”. He is trying, though!)

Gerry Zurita
Gerry Zurita

Gerry Zurita is located in H304 and M306. Currently, he teaches Special Education English and Social Studies. In his free time, he enjoys going on walks and watching soccer clubs–particularly Manchester United and Barcelona.

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