As exam week continues at Moanalua High School, students are diving headfirst into study sessions, project completions, and last-minute reviews. Students everywhere are shifting into high gear, eager to do their best and ace their tests. The usual chatter on campus has shifted to a quieter, more focused hum as everyone prepares for the exams that will give the last push determining students’ grades.
In classrooms, the school library, and even tucked-away corners of the campus, Menes are bent over textbooks, laptops, and notebooks, determined to give it their all. For many, the pressure is on. Study groups start to form, with friends gathering to quiz each other on everything from algebra formulas to U.S. history dates.
Teachers are stepping up, too, offering extra help after school during their free time and tutorials and hosting review sessions to give students a boost.
While exam preparation can be stressful, using the right strategies can make all the difference. To help you navigate this crucial time, here are some study tips Menes have shared in the hallways to help themselves fully prepare for exams.

“I study right before my exam. That’s the only way I can keep the information in my head.”

“Besides studying, I meditate and pray then play video games to balance it out.”
“I call my boyfriend and we study together and review [our] review sheets.”

“To study I like take notes on everything and re-read what I wrote.”

“To study I don’t do much until right before my test but I go over review sheets and notes.”
As exam week comes to a close, it’s clear that exam prep at Moanalua High is more than just hitting the books; it’s about coming together as a community. Whether it’s sharing study tips, venting about the pressure, or simply being there for each other, students from all grade levels are determined to make it through exam week stronger than ever. Best of luck on your exams, Menes!