Junior and Senior Class President Messages
August 31, 2020
Junior Class President: Khloe Ringor

Welcome back to another school year Class of 2022! Wow, what a start to our junior year right? I’m Khloe Ringor and I will be serving as your junior class president. I hope you all had a great summer but now we have to get back into our school mindset. This isn’t a typical school year so please proactively check your emails, google classrooms, school website, and our class social media for constant updates and announcements! Be self-directed learners and don’t slack off! I also wanted to let you all know that despite everything that is going on in our crazy world right now, your class council and committees are proactively working to give you all a memorable and fun junior year. For now, please continue to stay safe, social distance and hopefully I’ll see you guys on campus soon!
Senior Class President: Taylor Katahira

Welcome Back Class of 2021! It’s crazy to think that 3 years ago we were freshmen just starting our high school careers and now we’re seniors, in the final stretch before we graduate. As we go into our last year together before we head off into our own paths, I hope we can create memories that’ll last us a lifetime. We’ve all grown and have worked so hard to become who we are today, but how we choose to take on the challenges this year holds, will truly define who we are as people and as a class. Miss you all and good luck this year, let’s make it the best one yet!